Posts Tagged ‘crimes’


Posted: March 15, 2013 by kfusari in Uncategorized
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Our culture has become very desensitized to violence, it’s scary in my opinion. Children at very young ages are playing violent video games that involve murder, theft, auto theft, sex and even cursing. If the child doesn’t learn these bad behaviors at home they definitely pick them up through video games. The worst part of that situation is the parents not even knowing how inappropriate the game is. Smaller children go through stages of development where they imitate things they see. Certain video games cause the kids to act out aggressively because of that. If kids are being exposed to these types of actions at a young age, they become numb to it and think that is what reality is like. This mental state is absolutely not normal and can lead these children down a very dangerous path.  Unfortunately the news is filled with mostly negative stories that nothing really surprises viewers anymore. Almost every day there is a story about domestic violence, robberies, assault, murders, school shootings, threats, rapes, drunk driving and many more horrific crimes. Some people (like me) get paranoid and hyper-cautious going about their daily lives, but most just shrug it off because they are exposed to it constantly. Desensitization is not a good thing. According to this article desensitization can lower a persons helping behavior. This means that when someone is the witness to a crime, they are much less likely to help because they see bad things happen all the time and they aren’t phased by it. This can lead to even more crimes to be committed and more people getting away with such crimes. We are going down a slippery slope and i believe something needs to be done to change that.