Toplessness in NYC…..5

Posted: May 17, 2013 by yikes328 in Uncategorized

You seriously can’t make this stuff up, im not sure if i can take this seriously ha!…Is it against the law for a women in New York to bare her breast? According to a twenty year old ruling it is perfectly legal for men and women to be bare nude from the waist line up. However, the NYPD keeps arresting performance artist Holly Van Vost for walking NYC streets with her breast exposed for the world to see. Ms. Vost’s “unbashed nudity actually served its purpose” as the NYPD “took to reminding officers over and over again in roll call that no one should be arrested or fined for simply exposing their breasts in public.” If it is perfectly legal to bare your breast, why is it that the nypd keeps making a non law breaking arrest? Is it that the officers are not properly trained or are they trying to make a statement? Or is there something underlying here? The real questions is however, why would you want to walk around NYC topless…….haha

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